Are you considering coming to Southwest Vocal Alliance (SVA) chorus for the first time? We’d love to have you! Feel free to stop by any Monday night rehearsal, or see below for more information. You can also contact our membership team at or (623) 239-2924 or by filling out our membership interest form.
We rehearse every Monday from 6:30-9 pm at Orangewood Presbyterian Church, in the Page Hall building. 7321 N 10th St, Phoenix, AZ 85020. You're welcome to join us at any rehearsal!
Southwest Vocal Alliance is Arizona's premiere award-winning mixed barbershop chorus and 2024 Barbershop Harmony Society International Convention participant. We're a fun-loving a cappella chorus that sings and performs a wide variety of songs and styles, including barbershop, pop, rock, country, and doo-wop. SVA is part of the Far Western District of the Barbershop Harmony Society.
We recently competed for the first time at the international level in the Barbershop Harmony Society's 2024 Convention. Watch the contest set that qualified us!
SVA could be a great fit for you if you want to:
We recommend coming 10 minutes early to your first rehearsal. When you walk into Page Hall at Orangewood Presbyterian, someone will greet you. You’ll get a name tag and a guest book with our sheet music. Tip: We suggest bringing water, and optionally you can bring a yoga mat and heavy book if you'd like to participate in breathing exercises.
We’ll figure out which vocal part you want to try (Tenor, Lead, Baritone, or Bass - see below for more information about each part). You’ll be paired up with someone who sings the same part, and you can ask them any questions about the music.
During rehearsal you can either choose to sing along by sightreading or just listen. (Sightreading absolutely isn’t required to be a member - after your first rehearsal you can access audio learning tracks to help you learn the music). We’ll briefly introduce you to the group during rehearsal. Rehearsal lasts three hours and we typically don’t take official breaks, but you can use the restroom at any time. Feel free to sit down if you don’t feel able to stand for long periods of time.
Either before or after rehearsal, you’ll meet Maddie or another member of the Membership team and Danny, our director. Maddie, or a membership team representative can answer your questions about the process of becoming an SVA member. You can also get a sneak peak of our membership and audition process in our FAQs.
After your first rehearsal, you’ll receive an email with an invitation to join our Discord and our website. The website lets you access sheet music and audio learning tracks to prepare for your audition, and Discord is where we chat and stay in touch with each other.
We sing a very wide range of genres, including barbershop, pop, rock, country, and doo-wop. To get a taste of our musical style, check out this video. Here are some examples of our current repertoire:
There are four vocal parts: Tenor, Lead, Baritone, and Bass. Even if you’ve sung in a barbershop chorus before, the ranges for each part may be different from your past experience, as mixed gender choruses have different ranges. If you aren’t sure which part to sing we’ll help place you. All vocal parts are open to all genders. Here’s a description of each part:
See the typical ranges for each part below:
See our Membership FAQs (especially the New and prospective members section) for information about the audition process and joining.
The first step is coming to a rehearsal or reaching out to our membership team.
Contact our membership team at or (623) 239-2924 or by filling out our membership interest form.